Information written on back of photo: "Signing of lease -- Indiantown Printing Company, March 1960. Bob Post, Indiantown Development Co. - seated at right. Standing left to right - Bob McRoberts, Bill Scott, Jim Burgess."
Proprietors Alvin and Phyllis Andrews stand behind the jewelry counter at their store located in the Post Office Arcade Building. Photo published in The Stuart News (Thu, Sep 01, 1955 ·Page 2) identify their store's name as Andy's Drug Store and Luncheonette but the store was later referred to as Andy's Sundries from 1958 until the store closed in the late 1960s.
Several cars parked in front of Seahorse Pharmacy located on East 4th Street in Stuart. Sign advertising Westinghouse appliances also in view for the Highbee Electric business next door to the Pharmacy.
The home of Stuart attorney, T. T. "Ted" Oughterson. Prior to Oughterson's purchase of the home, it was used as the Dunscombe packing house for the Phoenix Fruit Company.