Martin Digital History

Browse Items (17 total)

  • MCHS-yrbk-1959-2024-043-rs.pdf

    The Sailfish for 1959, published by the Senior Class. Dedicated to the good citizens of Martin County Florida. Includes group portraits of the Sailfish staff, office staff, library staff, faculty, support staff, eighth grade, seventh grade, sports teams, cheerleaders, and homecoming court. Also group portraits of clubs, including student council, Beta Club, Future Farmers of America, Future Teachers of America, Las Ratas Del Rio (Spanish Club), Key Club, Blue and White (Girls' Athletic Association), S Club, Southwind staff, Diversified Cooperative Training Club, Science Club, Glee Club, MCHS Band, and the senior play cast.

    Individual portraits of Thomas Cook, school superintendent and MCHS principal John C. Gray; seniors (each with statement and club details), juniors, sophomores, freshmen; hall of fame; class awards; candidates for Miss 1959; senior sports players; homecoming queen; and new students.
    Also includes the class "Last Will and Testament," "Prophesy," school song lyrics, and candids of events and baby pictures.

    Ads of local businesses, including photos of the First National Bank of Stuart, Casa Lumber Company, King Pontiac, Stuart Department Store, Sea Gull Shop, Rich's Ice Cream, and Kindred Superette.
  • MCHS-yrbk-1949-2024-043-rs.pdf

    Includes a portrait and message from the Superintendent Roscoe H. Rollins and a dedication to the teacher Mrs. Carl B. Roth (Lula Nourse Roth Barkoskie). Writings includes "The History of the Sailfish" by Ernest Lyons, class history, class will, crowning of prom king and queen, Stuart Loyalty Song, and the calendar of senior events. Includes individual portraits of faculty; administration; student portraits of seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen; Queen of Sports contestants; and award recipients. Group portraits of eighth grade; seventh grade; sports teams; cheerleaders; Sailfish staff; clubs, including senior play cast, Student Co-operative Government, Masque Club, marching band, Glee Club, Junior Concert Club, Beta Club, Pep Club, Blue and White Club (Girls' Athletic Association), S Club, Future Farmers of America, Future Homemakers of America, Key Club, Los Picaros, and Quill and Scroll. Other photos include the prom, classrooms, the library, the administration office, and student candids. Ads of local businesses include photos of Citizens Bank of Stuart, Stuart Jewel Shop, C.B. Arbogast, Chisholm's Cafeteria, Shark Industries, Gulf Oil Corporation, Rice's Restaurant, Becker's Frozen Custard, the Pelican Hotel, Bruner's Pharmacy, and G.C. Troup.

    Autographs are addressed to Zola Mae Blakeslee.
  • SHS-yrbk-1947-2024-043-rs.pdf

    Yearbook for Martin County High School (formerly Stuart High School); spiral bound.
    Individual portraits of the principal Edwin F. Johnwick, the Martin County superintendent Roscoe H. Rollins, administrative staff, faculty, seniors, juniors. Group portraits of Sailfish staff; student classes from first grade through sophmores; school library and playground; sports teams; cheerleaders; clubs, including the Stuart student co-op, The Star staff, National Beta Club, Key Club, Stuart High School Band, the District Festival at Sebring, Future Farmers of America, Future Homemakers of America, The Masque Club, S Club, Latin American Club Fiesta, International Relations Club, Comita Latina Club, Florida Government Club, American History Club; senior celebrities; senior play cast; elementary school rhythm band; senior kid day; and prom photos. Also includes advertisements of local businesses and articles "The Trend of Time," "Class Will," and "Class Prophecy."
  • MCHS-yrbk-1967-2024-043-rs.pdf

    Marked Volume 4. Images of events including homecoming candidates, Mistletoe Princess, and Junior-Senior Prom. Individual photos of principal James C. Woodall; administrative and support staff; teachers; Miss Macosh; seniors involved in sports; senior, junior, and sophmore students. Group portraits of sports teams; and clubs including student council, MACOSH staff, art club, Les Belles Lettres Club, CE Club, S Club, Spanish Club, Beta Club, National Honor Society, M Club, Chorus, Future Teachers of America, Key Club, Marching Tiger Band, and the majorettes. Ads from local businesses. Yearbook signatures made out to Neal.
  • MCHS-yrbk-1973-2024-043-rs.pdf

    Marked as Volume 10. Dedicated to school librarian Olney Eurit. Images of events, including student involvement in "Save Our Beaches," club activities, and sporting events. Individual portraits of principals; administration staff; counselors; teachers; seniors in sports teams; Miss Macosh finalists; and portraits of seniors, juniors and sophomores. Group portraits of sports teams; homecoming queen candidates; and yearbook staff; and clubs, including student council, DCT (Diversified Co-Operative Training) Club, S Club, M Club, Foreign Language, DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) Club, FTA (Future Teacher's of America), Intra-Club Council, Art Club, Key Club, Interact Club, Future Homemakers of America, Drama, Soul Club, National Honor Society, Beta Club, Cooperative Education Club, Chorus, Civinette Club, Majorettes, and the Fighting Tiger Band. Ads from local businesses including photos of Bank of Stuart, Osceola Realty, St. Lucie Skyways, Crane Creek Ranch, First Federal, Forest's Mens Shop, Prescription Shop, Dee & aRe Pizza, Grant, Broadway Service Center.

    Signed in front by Loring Jean Scott.
  • MCHS-yrbk-1957-2024-029-ocr-rs.pdf

    Individual portraits of county school administrators, principals, faculty, seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen, class award recipients, and candidates for Miss 1957. Group portraits of school staff; eighth grade, seventh grade; sports teams, including basketball team, track team, tennis team, Stuart Tigers; school play (Hillbilly Weddin'); class officers; graduates of 1956; clubs, including the "S" Club, Beta Club, Spanish Club, Future Farmers of America, Future Homemakers of America, Sailfish and Southwind staff, Diversified Co-Operative Training Club, Key Club, Student Council, Blue and White Club, Marching Tiger Band, Glee Club, Civil Air Patrol, Cheerleaders, Homecoming 1956, Miss MCHS, and second grade rhythm band and second grade. Also includes photos of school and community buildings, 1956 prom, candids of students and events, a senior class will, photos of photographer Arthur Ruhnke, and ads of local businesses, many with photos including Doral Fishing Post, Pelican Hotel, Citizens Bank of Stuart, Bill Greene Chevrolet. Previously owned by Gladys Prevatt Peters.
  • MCHS-yrbk-1961-2024-029-ocr-2go.pdf

    Includes photographs of school buildings, individual portraits of superintendent Thomas Crook, school administrators and staff; individual student portraits of the senior class valedictorian and salutatorian, senior, junior, sophmore, and freshman class students, candidates for Miss 1961; portraits of class award winners; senior student wills; group photos of Junior High students; candid photos of faculty and of academic classes; group portraits of clubs, including student council, Beta Club, Key Club, Future Teachers, Future Nurses, Future Homemakers, Science Club, Pep Club, Blue and White, "S" Club, Diversified Co-Operative Training, Southwind staff, Nurse's staff, Office staff, Library staff, Safety patrols, Boys' and Girls' State Representatives, marching band, homecoming candidates and queen, sports teams, cheerleaders, and annual staff; and ads of local businesses.
  • SHS-yrbk-1941-2024-029-ocr-rs.pdf

    Includes photographs of school buildings; individual portraits of school administration and teachers, annual staff, high school seniors; class history, class will, class prophecy, page of printed autographs; group portraits of eleventh through seventh graders, football team, basketball team, girls' basketball team; high school clubs (Future Farmers of America, Student Council, "S" Club, Rhythm Band (second graders), Glee Club, cast of senior class, marching band), and ads for local businesses.
  • MCHS-yrbk-1954-2024-029-ocr-rs.pdf

    Includes photographs of school and community buildings, individual portraits of annual staff, county school administrators, school staff, teachers, and high school students (9th through 12th grades), group portraits of eighth and seventh grades, high school clubs (Southwind staff, Beta club, choir, marching band, "S" Club, Key Club, Student court, Quill and Scroll, Student Council, Future Homemakers of America, Future Farmers of America, Cheerleaders, Football team, Basketball team, Baseball team, "Girls' sports", Football queen and court) and ads for local businesses with photos including Supreme Meat Market, Ivy Smith, Double K Ranch, King Pontiac, John E. Taylor Real Estate, Shell Bazaar, Elmer's gas station, Woodshed, Oteen Groves, Vincent's Jewelry Store, Greene's Dry Goods, Citizens Bank of Stuart, Stuart Hotel, Stuart Marine Service, Hansen's Brothers Groves, Ft. Pierce News Tribune, Ideal Sport Shop, Stuart Drug Corp., Wall's Indian River Groves.
  • STS-yrbk-1945-2024-031-ocr-2go.pdf

    Published by the Stuart Training School, Stuart, Florida, 1946.

    Includes a dedication by Principal Robert G. Murray; photos of the school, student council; names and group portraits of faculty; individual portraits of seniors; class history; class will; class prophecy; group portraits of other grades of students, classes, sports teams; lists of sports team scores and student honors; and advertising.
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