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    This issue (Volume 1, No. 5) includes biographical description of Colonel E.S. Montgomery, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 4) includes biographical description of Colonel William T. Hammond, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 3) includes biographical description of Colonel John A. Ord, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 2) includes biographical description of Colonel Albert B. Cox, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 1) includes biographical description of Colonel James W. Green, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.
  • HSMC-2024-027-CMS-001rs.pdf

    After graduating from New Smyrna Senior High School, Lillian Louise Rudd (1925-2018) worked at Camp Murphy, first as a Camp Locator, and then after several promotions, was in charge of writing special orders. Every time a GI was transferred, they needed to have "orders" to take along with them. Camp Murphy was home of the Southern Signal Corps, which trained in radar. She married Roden Percy Davisworth September 13, 1944 in Stuart.

    Color photocopy of scrapbook features short memoir of her WWII experiences, including when the Germans torpedoed a ship. Photographs are of herself and friends, including those of Emily Beach, Elsie Wells, Buddy Wells, Wayne Wells, Stuart High Band, Red Fultz and Billy Smith (in sailor uniforms), unidentified soldiers at Camp Murphy, group photo of the Junior Hostesses of the Stuart Servicemen's Club. Also invitations, a note from Donald Anthony Burroughs, newsclippings from the Stuart News and the Camp Murphy Message.

    More material from Lillian Louise Rudd Davisworth is available at FSU (finding aid:

    Pass allowing Ione Jensch, fiancée of Pfc Robert J. Maertz.

    Bulletin cover. Chaplains: George H. Parker, Edwing W. Casey. Includes images of interior and exterior of chapel.

    Railway schedule, includes stops at Camp Murphy.

    Three soldiers on a bus. Handwritten on back: "10/5/43 Enroute to Murphy Left to right: Jirtle, Krasin, Robert Maertz"
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