Martin Digital History

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    This issue (Volume 1, No. 52, final issue) includes cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 13) includes cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 12) includes cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 11) includes cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 10) includes cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 9) includes cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 7) includes biographical description of Colonel C.S. Daugherty, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 6) includes biographical description of Colonel G.K. Arnold, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 5) includes biographical description of Colonel E.S. Montgomery, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.

    This issue (Volume 1, No. 4) includes biographical description of Colonel William T. Hammond, cartoons, Camp Chatter, sports, and activities. Edited and published each Friday by and for the personnel of Camp Murphy under the supervision of the Public Relations Branch. Volume 1, Number 1 was published 1 October 1943; final issue Volume 1, Number 52, published 22 September 1944.
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