Martin Digital History

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    Portrait of Dr. Jack White. Dr. White grew up in Stuart and attended Stuart Training School through eighth grade, completing seven grades in four years. White graduated from Howard University's College of Medicine in 1944 and went on to teach at Howard University serving as a professor of surgery, the oncology department chairman, and the Cancer Research Center director. Dr. White was elected to the Institute of Medicine in 1977 and served as president of the American Cancer Society. The awards, accolades, praise, and medical research contributions of Dr. Jack White are too extensive to list here but he left a lasting impact on the field of cancer research.

    Portrait of Dr. Jack White. Dr. White grew up in Stuart and attended Stuart Training School through eighth grade, completing seven grades in four years. White graduated from Howard University's College of Medicine in 1944 and went on to teach at Howard University serving as a professor of surgery, the oncology department chairman, and the Cancer Research Center director. Dr. White was elected to the Institute of Medicine in 1977 and served as president of the American Cancer Society. The awards, accolades, praise, and medical research contributions of Dr. Jack White are too extensive to list here but suffice to say he left a lasting impact on the field of cancer research.
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