Martin Digital History

Browse Items (6 total)

  • Thurlow-2024-034-winters_ed_1937-rs.pdf

    Description of attractions of Martin County, including aerials and views of landscapes, residences, boats, fishing, new construction, Wild Bill's Zoo, and Sunrise Inn in Port Sewall. Also includes ads from local businesses. This is the 5th annual issue published by the Stuart News, produced with the intent of being mailed to people in the north as advertising for the region. Aerial photographs by Florida Photographic Concern. Laminated.
  • Thurlow-2024-034-progress_ed_1939-rs.pdf

    Illustrated description of the attractions of Martin County, including the fishing, tropical reefs, the St. Lucie River, residential housing, and agriculture. Also includes a summary of Martin County's debt structure and ads from local businesses. Specific businesses mentioned include John's Laundry, Glades Packing Plant in Salerno, Ward's Trailer Camp, Ace Beauty Salon, Davis Drug Store, and Pittman's Service Station and Restaurant.
  • Thurlow-2024-034-march_of_empire_1942-rs.pdf

    Issued as a supplement to the Stuart News at Stuart, Martin County, Florida, 1 Oct 1942.

    Brochure featuring current and potential industries in Martin County, including the projected cross-state canal, shipping, the lemon grass industry, cattle ranching, Glade's Farms project of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Farm Security Administration, sugar industry, synthetic rubber industry, and flower industry. Also includes information on George Bensel and the attractions of Fort Myers.

    Partial copy of Stuart News edition focusing on the Stuart Service Club, Camp Murphy, the Red Cross, Coast Guard, local beach patrols. Includes ads from local businesses.

    The Service Club was built in 1943 by the Army Corp of Engineers to serve as the Martin County Service Club. After the war, the building was purchased by the City of Stuart and served as a community recreation hall and civic center. In 2024, it is the Flagler Center of Stuart, 246 SW Flagler Avenue, Stuart.
  • 1964-01-09_Stuart-News_50th-ocr.pdf

    This expanded special issue of the Stuart News features articles and photos focuses on the history of Martin County.

    Use the <ctrl>f feature to search the issue.

    Index of articles:
    A. P. Bert Krueger Stuart's Mister Aviation Since 1917, Ray McClure: BB-6
    A. R. Krueger, Nickname Dude Born in Berlin: F-2
    Abe Lincoln's Camera Tells Story: CC-8
    Ais Indians, A Vanished Tribe, Carol Schmidt: J-7
    All Saints Episcopal Church a Landmark of Indian River Area: D-5
    An Epic of Quakers, Seamen and Slaves Wrecked Here: 6-I
    Ancient Florida Indian Culture Began 10,000 B. C., Ripley P. Bullen: I-6
    Animal Rescue League Begins 9th Fund Drive: A-6
    Ashley Gang Held Up Train, Robbed Banks, G-2
    Band Played When Town of Stuart Born May 7, 1914: F-6
    Battle of Okeechobee Fought on Christmas Day Along Lake Shore: DD-4
    Before You Hunted Razorbacks You Had to Buy: C-3
    Bert Babcock First Sheriff: A-2
    Big Fish Always News in Stuart: F-2
    Blue Berry Pete Got Fed Up and Head East: BB-1
    Bootleggers Lived It Up But 'Busted" When Their Era of Lawlessness Ended: K-8
    C. C. Chillingworth First Developer of Palm City Farms, Patsy McCord: K-3
    Capt. Blakeslee Sailed the Mail Upriver in '94, C. D. Blakeslee: E-7
    Capt. Bob Hoke, Capt. Thomas E. Richards Brought First Pineapples to Jensen Area: D-1
    Captain John Miller Was a Famed Pioneer Boat Builder: D-6
    Captain Sewall Born in Florida in 1848: G-6
    Cecil Johns Has Happy Memories of Old Times: E-4
    Charles H. Racey Family Was Among Early Settlers in 1890: D-5
    Chas. Schuyler Was Official of Jensen's Bank: D-8
    Children Ran Out of Food Till Father Sailed In, Lucie Richards LeTourneau: DD-8
    Children Went to School on the Jungle Waterways, Bessie DuBois: J-1
    Chronology of this Newspaper: H-1
    Church at Indiantown Is Named for the Rev. E. M. C. Dunklin: DD-4
    Cleveland Letters Show Friendship With Besseys: E-2
    Colonel O. O. Poppleton Was Bee Culture Expert, J-7
    Commercial Fishing's Peak was in Twenties: D-6
    Commodore Stanley Kitching Was this Town's Grand Old Man: J-5
    Confederate Secretary of War and Aide to President Davis Fled, Joe Crankshaw: C-5
    Country Club, Fine Homes, Spruce Bluff, Land of Promise (Fultz): G-1
    County Seat Was St. Augustine Back in 1821: E-7
    County Was Born in Real Estate Boom: I-1
    Crisis of the Big Depression :C-6
    Curt Schroeder, at 21, Made Reality of His Dream, Curt Schroeder: F-7
    Days of Paddle-Wheel Steamers Cruising, Bessie Dubois: D-7 & 8
    Delights of Boyhood in Stuart Told, Ernest Lyons: F-4
    Development of Medical Scene Sketched by Nurse, Marion Tschischeck: BB-4
    Does Black Caesar's ghost Ship Cruise On St. Lucie?, Wallace Stevens: CC-2
    E. J. Ricou Was Leading Figure Fishing Industry: C-1
    Ed Hosford Was First Planter of Tropical Trees: C-7
    Edward Mapp Arrived Here on Honeymood Back in 1912, Edward Mapp: CC-1
    Elias Simmons Family Left Mail Steamer to Settle: E-6
    Elliott Museum on Ocean Isle Is Signal Contribution: K-5
    Explorer Cabot May Have Found Florida First: I-6
    Exploring Everglades in 1897: G-6, 8
    Fingy Conners, Stevedore Boss, Built Lake Highway: DD-7
    First Bank President Carried on Trade with the Seminoles: F-1
    First Beam Flashed from Historic Jupiter Light, Bessie DuBois: J-1
    First Girl Who Is Still Living Tells of Past: F-2
    First Pineapples Planted By Pioneer H. W. Bessey, Susan Bessey: E-1 x
    First PTA Was formed in 1915: CC-5
    First Recorded Auto Accident: F-7
    First Showcase Trailer Driver Had a Lot of Trouble: CC-5
    First Teacher In Stuart Was Miss Hamilton: E-5
    First Wave Came by Sailboat in the 1880's: A-6
    Five Elected Presidents of Historical Society Have Given: K-4
    Flip of a Coin Brought the Fredericksen Family: D-5
    Former Newspaper Owner Gives Account of 1923, Edwin A. Menninger: J-3
    Forming of County Was Big Battle: I-1
    Fort McRae at Port Mayaca, Old Gus Show: DD-4
    Frances Langford's Design for Living: DD-2
    Frank Curtis Munch Family Came Here from Carolina: D-1
    Frank Prescott First Settler In This County, E-1
    Fraziers Arrived at Mouth of Frazier Creek in 1887 Flora Frazier Dyer: E-5
    Frederick William Willes an Arrival from England in '93: D-1
    Freezes, Hard Times, Prosperity Marked the Pineapple Industry; Curt Schroeder: DD-1
    George T. Gosling , George T. Gosling: E-7
    Gilbert's Bar House of Refuge Built in 1876: I-4
    Gilbert's Bar Named for Rogue, Don Pedro Gilbert: CC-4
    Glenn Delivered a Telegram Minutes Before Jailer Died, Roscoe E. Glenn: C-1
    Good Old Oar Power on Seaworthy Lifeboats Was Life Saving Rescue: K-3
    Gospel Navy Brought McQuarries, Mattie Roberts: J-6
    Harry A. Dyer Third Mayor of Town of Stuart: E-5
    He Saw Loot from Mayan Temples (Fontenada): I-6
    Herman's Bay Is Named for Escapee from Indians: D-5
    High School Band formed in 1938: BB-4
    Historical Gomez Grant Abstract Is A Record of Long Gone Centuries: C-7
    Hubert Bessey A Gentlemanly Business Man: E-2
    Indians Raided Spanish Forts and Missions Here: C-5
    Indiantown Citrus Gold Rush Under Way Where Uncle Joe Bowers Traded: DD-7
    Indiantown Story; from Pioneer Days to the Present, DeMarcellus & Knowlton: DD-6
    J. B. McDonald First Mayor at Incorporation: F-6
    Jensen Beach Was Pineapple Center of World in Early Period: D-3
    John Clemison of Hobe Sound Carried Mail By a Wagon, Bessie DuBois: J-3
    John L. Jensen the Founder of Jensen Beach: D-3
    John Madsen, a Mighty Man of Early Stuart: F-6
    Jupiter Island Town Steeped in History: J-1
    Legion Post Was Formed On June 1, 1919: C-6
    Living Florida Advertisement (John E. Taylor): F-2
    Local Flowers Under Light Industry Heart of Mums: C-8
    Many Distinguished Leaders in roster of Local History Group, W. G. Corliss: I-6
    Martin County's Men Who go to Sea Are Rugged Individualist: BB-1
    McPhersons Arrived Here in 1891: F-2
    Miss Mary Shackelford Was Early Visitor Here in 1908: E-2
    Morris Johns Homesteaded and Was an Early Pineapple Grower: E-4
    Moses Frank Wamsley a Loyal Reporter, Edwin A. Menninger: I-3
    Mrs. DuBois Writes About Area Post Offices, Bessie DuBois: J-8
    Mrs. Haney Worked for Female Suffrage and the Souls of Men: J-7
    Mrs. Johns Remembered Paddle Steamer Arrival: E-4
    Mrs. Krueger First Saw St. Lucie in 1891, Annie Spiers Krueger: E-1
    Mrs. Porter Recalls Events of Early Town; Was Club Head H-14
    Murder in 1894 In "Pine" Field Stayed Unsolved: C-7
    Music Box turned Into First Piano: K-1
    Music Every Sunday Was Important Part of Life, Edna Coutant: K-1
    Nature Cut Inlet Through Island Back in 1831: H-8
    Neals Came to Open Store in Late 1890s: D-5
    Night Adolf Hitler Hit Us With Torpedo from a Sub, Ernest Lyons: K-7
    Outlaw Ashley and the Notorious Gang: G-8
    Parks and John Families Settled in Early 1890s: E-4
    Pineapple Center of World in Early Period: D-3
    Pioneer Churches Met Spiritual Needs of Indian River Settlers: D-5
    Pioneer Descendants, 'Early Settlers Association,' Erected Tablet by River: D-8
    Pioneer Teacher Tells of Hardships, Susan Sanders DuBois: J-5
    Pioneering Is Still Going on in County (Newhouse): C-4
    Platt Family Carved Out Indiantown Home from Wilderness: DD-4
    Port Salerno Has Had names of Alicia, Aberdeen and Mulford: CC-2
    Post Was Named for Hero Killed in Bataan Fight (Murphy): CC-5
    Power Came to Stuart in 1916: A-6
    R. L. Beville Stuart's First Railway Agent: E-2
    R. R. Ricou & Sons Fish Co. Started in 1886: D-1
    Ray Robertson Recalls Days When Carloads of Pines Used to Roll to North: D-3
    Real Estate Story Is a Record of Blood, Sweat, Failure, M. P. Nelson: CC-7
    Rev. H. H. Jones Formed Church In Jensen 1906: D-6
    Rev. Sawyer's Family Came to the Old Town of Tibbals from New York: D-5
    Robinson Crusoe Was Filmed in Stuart: H-3
    Saw Seminole Fleet of Canoes, Lucie Richards LeTourneau: D-8
    Scientist Celebrating Golden Jubilee: A-7
    Seaboard President Hoped For a City at Indiantown: 7-DD
    Sharks Finished Local Fertilizer Plant Try:CC-3
    She Danced Out Soles of Shoes At. Pioneers' Christmas Party (Cassie Gore): I
    Society News as it should be written (Ehrhart): C-3
    Sorensen Family's Sloop Arrived In Sail from Titusville in 1889, Harry Schultz: D-1
    Special-Edition Inlet Deepening 54 Years in Past: F-6
    St. Lucie Canal, Approved in 1914, Is Boon to Agriculture Here: H-6
    Stanley Kitching Sold First Autos: F-7
    Story of a Little Girl With a Great Big Voice and Sincere Devotion: DD-2
    Stuart Commercial Club Forerunner of Chamber: CC-5
    Stuart Rotary Formed in '29: CC-3
    Stuart Was named For Homer T. (H) Stuart: E-7
    Stuart Woman's Club Has Aided the Area In Many Activities for half a Century: H-8
    Stypmann Brothers Real Pioneers: H-4
    Sweet and the Bitter Were Mingled in Early Days Efforts at P. C.: K-3
    They Located in Wilderness in Waveland (Edwards): D-6
    Thomas Hellier and Wife Picked Jensen in 1898: D-1
    Times told Of a Flight by H. Willoughby: G-6
    Titus Hart Came to Jupiter Isle in 1890, Lucy Wethington: K-8
    Tom DeSteuben First Lawyer Jensen Area: D-6
    Town (Jensen) Was Incorporated on Date of Jan. 18,1926: D-5
    Tribute to Forgotten Pioneers: C-4
    Twenty-seven Men Started Kiwanis: CC-5
    Uncle Joe Bowers, Old Batch, Married on Horseback in 1940: DD-4
    View of the Past and a Glance at the Future: C-4
    W. A. Roebuck Family Settled Toward Indiantown: BB-1
    Wallace Stevens, Editor's Son, Tells of Life in Early Stuart, Wallace Stevens: H-1
    Walter Kitching, Merchant, Left Personal Record, Walter Kitching: F-1
    We've Had Four Big Hurricanes In Past 42 Years: C-5
    White City Founded by Danes Who Were Bilked: C-7
    Who Were Members of Indian River Armed Occupation? William Henry Peck: F-5 & 6
    Will Hawley Stevens Founded the Stuart Times: H-1
    Willoughby Papers a Priceless Gift to the Historical Society: G-8
    Willoughby the Inlet Is key to This Area: G-6
    Willoughby, Pioneer Aviator on Point: G-6
    Woman's Club Incorporation Approved 50 Years Ago: CC-1
    Wreck of the Brigantine J. H. Lane: I-4
    Writer of These Memoirs Civil War Newspaperman (Peck): F-5
  • FL_cross_state_canal_program-1937.pdf

    Souvenir edition of program for the Cross-State Canal Celebration, published by The Stuart Daily News, on February 27, 1937. Photos and descriptions of attractions in Jupiter, Ft. Pierce, Stuart, Sewall's Point, Port Mayaca, and Ft. Myers. Business advertisements. Article: "Opening of Florida's One-and-Only Cross-State Canal Foreshadows Improvement of Stuart-Ft. Meyers Harbors" by Edwin A. Menninger.
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